We have gotton our 3rd round of baby sparrows. I thouht it was a little late in the season for them but apparently not. They are very hungry ( and loud) babies.

I got to my strawberry first! The critters did not get this one. And boy did it taste GOOD. Suckers

I was supposed to plant sweet corn for Jer, unfortauntly that didnt happen due to the fact that I had a need to expand my garden and that wont happen until next year. So when this volunteer corn stalk popped up I left it there just for him. ( I think the squirrels took a kernel from the feeder and decided this was agood spot to bury it) Somehow the cornstalk has a little corn on it. I wonder if it will get big enough to pick.

These are my bush beans. I thought they might never show any signs of getting ready to produce. Fortuantly they have begun to flower madly . I wonder how long it will be until I get some green beans? No sign of anything but reaching for the heavens with the pole beans.

I planted cucumbers a while back and was worried that maybe they had been started too late. Lucky for me Sherbondy's was having a sale. They too felt like cucmbers and such should have already been put int he ground so i got each plant for a $1. At the time they seemed much bigger than my plants at home. I went home later that day and planted both the store cucmbers and my cucumbers. Well, The store ones are flowering ( lots of flowers). However, the plants i seeded have buds and are just about the same size as the ones i bought. We will have to see which produces first. BTW: the top plant is the store one and the bottom picture with no bloom is mine.
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