Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I Actually Won Something!

Seeds of Change was having a contest on facebook. They displayed 3 pictures of flowers on their facebook page and contestants had to be the first to correctly guess the popular AND scientific names of each flower. And guess what? I won! They told me to pick 3 seed packets from their catalogue and they would ship them to me. I picked Dragon Carrot, Rosa Bianca Eggplant, and Cherokee Purple Tomato. As A bonus they sent me one packet each of the flowers that I guessed correctly. How Nice! The packets the seeds came in are really neat too. They are a light weight plastic that reseal. That means next time I forget my seeds outside and it rains, They wont all be ruined! YAY! Here are the pictures that where given for people to guess on:

Mckanna's Columbine
Aquilegia vulgaris

Everlasting Starflower
Scabiosa stellata

Pacific Beauty Calendula
Calendula Officinalis

Friday, February 5, 2010

Officially Tired of Snow

As of today we will have recieved 40 inches of snow this winter. By Monday that is supposed to go up to 44 inches. Thats double our average amount of snowfall that we usaually get. We've still got 2 months of this! I've got snow piles taller than me in my front yard, some of which the poor dog has fallen into and gotten stuck. I think it's safe to say I'm ready to be done with the snow. Who knows when I'll be able to start my garden- I'm sure it will take forever for the ground to dry up once the snow has melted. Right now all I'm left t do if shuffle through seed catalogues and read Garden blogs. My favorite catalogues have turned out to be Johnney's, Seed Savers Exchange, and Baker Creek. Johnney's seems to have alot of the traditional what I'm expecting when I think about vegetables kind of stuff. SSE and Bakers Creek have some of the more exotic heirloom types. I think I'll get a bit from each catalogue. As for Garden blogs acouple of my favorites are and . Check theses out if you've got a minute.