WooHoo! YARD
First up, a buzzing bee water kettle. When the water boils the
Little bees on the top fly around and buzz... too cute.
Second up, a
Mirro pressure cooker and 78 jars. Everyone keeps saying these things are deathtraps, but hey I have
AFLAC it will be
OK. I read up on them so I would be somewhat sure that I
wasn't going to burn the house down. It seems to be a newer model as it has multiple air vents to release pressure should
anything go horribly wrong. I watched a few
YouTube videos too. I'm pretty sure I know what
I'm doing. I guess well find out soon though. I plan on making strawberry jam (as requested by Robbie), spaghetti sauce, ketchup, and maybe some apple butter. Oh, and canning some of my up and coming green beans.
My 3rd Yard sale find is a
Cuisinart pure indulgence ice cream maker. I think this might be my favorite find of all. Its brand new in the box and here comes the best part... it was free. I also have plans tonight of having homemade cookies and cream ice cream. Yippee!

Item number 4 is...

An extra set of eyes watching out in the garden. Maybe he will scare of some of the critters that keep helping themselves to my food.

Storm walloped my peppers and tomatoes last night. I
suppose I'm lucky it
didn't pulverize them. The weather also did a number on my little bean sprouts. :(

wasn't sure how big this
cuke would get. Seems as though over night it turned yellow. I think that means its ripe and might not taste very good. :( Its my first one that I will get to harvest. Oh well looks like there a bunch more coming. Still
haven't had a chance to spray the
cuke plants for mildew,
I'm such a procrastinator.

I've now got blooms and beans on my pole beans. I thought they would never produce.
unfortunately they are just in time for a week of
scorching temps. hopefully they hold up.

Found this guy while checking the garden. I think he was trying to dry off.